Musical Analysis 2


Eminem is an artist that brings me back to my childhood. "Lose Yourself" was written by Eminem and released on October 28, 2002 out of 54 sound studio in Detroit, Michigan. This song reminds me of riding around in my dads old blue pickup truck. Eminem was one of my dads favorite rappers and his music was on frequently as I was growing up. This song stuck with me a little more than other work by Eminem. It is such a motivational song and makes me want to get to work and go after everything that I want because I only have "one shot"!


The rhythm in this piece is simple but strong. I believe it gives the foundation to the song. The time measure throughout the song doesn't change giving it a repetitive beat. The guitar chord consistency playing on the downbeat creates an engaging feeling to nod your head to. 


The tempo to this song is a perfect fit for the lyrics. If the song was too fast the meaning and lyrics behind the song would get lost in translation. If the beat was too slow it wouldn't have the same emotional effect that it does. It has the perfect mix between deep thoughts and energy. 


Timbre is crucial in the layering of this track. Starting with the piano, then coming in with the guitar and drum all at different times add their own unique place in the song, which contributes to the mood displayed throughout the song. The timbre gives the song originality, giving an acoustic feel. It adds diversity putting his work apart from typical hip-hop songs. 


This song uses dynamics very effectively. The use of Eminem fading in and out with the symbolic piano is an effective demonstration of dynamics. 


The lyrics in this song are very powerful. It creates a very emotional feeling in a positive motivational way. The lyrics tell Eminems story but it is one that a lot of people can connect too. On many fans agree that this is one of Eminems greatest songs. Many resonate with the lyrics and meaning behind this song. "You only get one shot" and "this opportunity only comes once in a lifetime" are just two lines from the chorus that light a fire inside of me. The lyrics stirs up inspiration, adrenaline and is the soul behind this song. 


Lose Yourself. (2020, October 05). Retrieved October 05, 2020, from


  1. Totally agree with you about this being one of his best songs, and actually when I was reading the part about nodding your head i was already nodding mine. I have never seen 8-mile but this song was recorded for the soundtrack of it! Great job!

  2. Eminem is one of my favorite rappers of all time. I love this song and it has always been a go to for me even after all these years. I agree with you about your analysis of this song and you did a good job of showing how important all these elements are to make the song so good. The lyrics and dynamics are probably two of the most important parts for me because without great lyrics that have an important message behind them then a song would lose a big part of it.

  3. I agree with you as well, about this song being one of his best. I once listened to this song and I'm sure my son remembers listening to it in our truck just as you have. When he wrote this song, the paper that he wrote the notes on, were shown in the movie.


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